About Me

Hi, I’m Stefanie—a former globe-trotting federal government bureaucrat who traded unpredictable adventure for community and companionship before careerism could get the better of me.

While wandering God’s green earth, often alone or at least far away from my family and close friends, I accumulated many beautiful memories, which I cherish. But in those special moments of awe and wonder, I concluded: experiences are best shared.

So, I pivoted.

I set out on a mission to establish stable roots, which, paradoxically, required me to embrace instability and uncertainty.

I returned to the States to give my relationship a real shot, quit my secure career that promised a cushy pension, started a travel copywriting business, and bought a fixer-upper, as one does when searching for stability… right?

Fortunately, I happen to love change. I love new adventures and new beginnings. Life is what you make it! And with copywriting, I’m rewriting mine.  

Why am I telling you this? 

Because having spent 10 years living overseas between 4 different countries, and traveling to many more, I know a thing or two about travel.

I particularly enjoy off-the-beaten-path itineraries, frolicking in the great outdoors, and authentic “do–as–the–locals–do” experiences. I’m never not dreaming about my next travel adventure.

In short, I know your customer because I am your customer. This gives me the passion and insight needed as a travel and hospitality copywriter to understand your audience’s pain points, tap into what lights them up, and offer them something enriching—all while earning you sales.

Travel Copywriter in Spain

With the persuasive written word and a sound marketing strategy, we can:

  1. Win the attention of prospective customers,

  2. Connect them with your “why,”

  3. Bolster your company’s market authority,

  4. Add clients and increase sales, and

  5. Earn customer loyalty.

I’d be so delighted to meet you and learn about your brand.

With anticipation,